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Meat Traceability Software

Carlisle Technology的Symphony Software Suite是专门为肉类行业创建的可追溯性拉菲2注册登录.

Symphony Traceability Software: Key Features

  • Farm-to-plant traceability: animal identification and lot tracking 
  • Production batch tracking for precise identification and traceability
  • Streamlined raw material receiving and WIP tracking
  • Animal lot and production batch yield reporting
  • Serialized product labeling and tracking
  • Real-time inventory management to optimize picking and shipping
  • Efficient recall management for prompt and accurate response
  • Reporting for production, inventory, and quality control
  • Integration with other systems for seamless data flow
  • Mobile capabilities for real-time access and data capture

Symphony Meat Traceability Product Information

Traceability is achieved through a combination of best practices, defined processes, standardized data collection, and reporting. 最好使用可追溯性拉菲2注册登录和技术实现自动化,使整个过程更加高效, to reduce the inherent costs, and to provide supply-chain partners, regulators, 并及时向消费者提供具体的食品生产信息.

拉菲2在线登录注册监管的不断加强,在一定程度上要求肉类的可追溯性, but good business practice demands that food producers, food processors, distributors, and even retail chains go beyond simply providing the minimum accountability. 如果正确地完成并由正确的解决方案合作伙伴使用适当的, proven technologies and best practices, 公平地说,可追溯性不应被视为额外的成本,而应被视为公司长期成功的推动者.

Carlisle Technology的Symphony Software Suite是一个模块化拉菲2注册登录,由一个强大的工厂车间MES和一个灵活高效的WMS组成. With both solutions combined, Symphony为食品制造商提供完整的可追溯性,直至单独序列化的库存项目. Symphony使加工厂能够增强其可追溯性和召回管理程序. 这可以大大减少召回产品所需的时间,同时也简化了制造和订单履行过程.

拥有30多年在工厂实施创新生产力解决方案的经验, Carlisle Technology拥有工具和专业知识,可以在您的生产过程中准确自动化关键数据收集,并快速将这些数据复制到有意义的召回报告中,以满足即使是最苛刻的可追溯性要求. 

Want to know more? Get our Food Traceability for Dummies Book! 

Learn to:

  • Understand the mandates driving food traceability
  • Clarify your food traceability goals
  • Recognize the key elements of a food traceability solution
  • Procure the essential hardware, software, and services
  • Define a suitable budget
  • Experience rapid ROI – Reduce costs, improve profits, solidify your brand!

Symphony & Traceability

  • Reduce business risk and improve brand image
  • Improve recall reaction times
  • Streamline inventory management
  • Enhance business efficiency
  • Help to grow your supply chain
  • Increase profits while reducing costs
Meat Traceability

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